TableProducts Object
[_lhash:VmTable:private] => 3982765917
[_tbl:protected] => #__virtuemart_products
[_tbl_lang:protected] => #__virtuemart_products_nl_nl
[_tbl_key:protected] => virtuemart_product_id
[_tbl_keys:protected] => Array
[0] => virtuemart_product_id
[_pkey:protected] => virtuemart_product_id
[_pkeyForm:protected] => cid
[_obkeys] => Array
[product_name] => 1
[slug] => 1
[_unique:protected] => 1
[_unique_name] => Array
[slug] => 1
[_orderingKey:protected] => ordering
[_slugAutoName] => product_name
[_slugName] => slug
[_db:protected] => JDatabaseDriverMysqli Object
[_database:JDatabaseDriver:private] => greenhous_jos1
[name] => mysqli
[serverType] => mysql
[connection:protected] => mysqli Object
[affected_rows] => 1
[client_info] => mysqlnd 8.1.31
[client_version] => 80131
[connect_errno] => 0
[connect_error] =>
[errno] => 0
[error] =>
[error_list] => Array
[field_count] => 34
[host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
[info] =>
[insert_id] => 0
[server_info] => 10.6.20-MariaDB
[server_version] => 100620
[sqlstate] => 00000
[protocol_version] => 10
[thread_id] => 220984
[warning_count] => 0
[count:protected] => 57
[cursor:protected] =>
[debug:protected] =>
[limit:protected] => 0
[log:protected] => Array
[timings:protected] => Array
[callStacks:protected] => Array
[nameQuote:protected] => `
[nullDate:protected] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[offset:protected] => 0
[options:protected] => Array
[driver] => mysqli
[host] => localhost
[user] => greenhous_jos1
[password] => 7jWR5TSsmS
[database] => greenhous_jos1
[prefix] => jos_
[select] => 1
[port] => 3306
[socket] =>
[sql:protected] => SELECT i.*, j.`extension_id`,j.`name`, j.`type`, j.`element`, j.`folder`, j.`client_id`, j.`enabled`, j.`access`, j.`protected`, j.`manifest_cache`,
j.`params`, j.`custom_data`, j.`checked_out`, j.`checked_out_time`, j.`state`, s.virtuemart_shoppergroup_id , j.`system_data` , l.payment_name, l.payment_desc FROM #__virtuemart_paymentmethods as i
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_paymentmethods_nl_nl` as l ON l.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` = i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id`
LEFT JOIN `#__extensions` as j ON j.`extension_id` = i.`payment_jplugin_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__virtuemart_paymentmethod_shoppergroups` AS s ON i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` = s.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` WHERE i.`published` = "1" AND (i.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1" OR i.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "0" OR i.`shared` = "1")
AND ( s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "2" OR (s.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`) IS NULL ) GROUP BY i.`virtuemart_paymentmethod_id` ORDER BY i.`ordering`
[tablePrefix:protected] => jos_
[utf:protected] => 1
[utf8mb4:protected] => 1
[errorNum:protected] => 0
[errorMsg:protected] =>
[transactionDepth:protected] => 0
[disconnectHandlers:protected] => Array
[_rules:protected] =>
[_trackAssets:protected] =>
[_locked:protected] =>
[_loggable:protected] => 1
[_xParams] => product_params
[_varsToPushParam] => Array
[min_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[max_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[step_order_level] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[shared_stock] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => int
[product_box] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => float
[_translatable] => 1
[_translatableFields:protected] => Array
[0] => product_name
[1] => product_s_desc
[2] => product_desc
[3] => metadesc
[4] => metakey
[5] => customtitle
[slug] => slug
[_dateFields:protected] => Array
[0] => product_available_date
[1] => locked_on
[2] => created_on
[3] => modified_on
[_hashName:protected] =>
[_omittedHashFields:protected] => Array
[_cryptedFields] =>
[_langTag] => nl_nl
[_ltmp] =>
[_loadedWithLangFallback] => 0
[_loaded] => 1
[_updateNulls:protected] => 1
[_toConvertDec:protected] => Array
[_toConvertInt:protected] => Array
[_genericVendorId:protected] => 1
[_update] =>
[_tablePreFix] => p.
[virtuemart_product_id] => 469
[virtuemart_vendor_id] => 1
[product_parent_id] => 0
[product_sku] => SC23
[product_gtin] =>
[product_mpn] =>
[product_name] => 4.23 Salimcirkel
[slug] => 4-23-salimcirkel
[product_s_desc] =>
[product_desc] =>
Workshop 2023
Een uitgebreid instructie blad word meegeleverd.
4.23 Salimcirkel
€ 47,50
Workshop 2023
Een uitgebreid instructie blad word meegeleverd.
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